**Update on Extra Credit: We learned that we cannot offer CEUs for prework. Instead, Shonna Magee has generously offered to give all conference participants a QR code for a free HIPAA webinar worth .2 CEUs.**
**Please note if you are a member of SC RID and the option to register as a member is grayed out, you need to first log in to the website. Then you can register at the member rate. Please email sc.rid.sec@gmail.com if you have any issues.**

SC RID Conference 2024 will be hosted at Spartanburg Community College on Feb. 2nd and 3rd. Join us Friday and Saturday for workshops featuring LaToya Childs and Shonna Magee!
This will be a Hybrid Conference, presented in person and via Zoom.
Hotel Information: The Four Points Sheraton Hotel is 1.5 miles from the Conference and serves free breakfast. The Conference room rate expired Jan. 6th, but rooms at the regular rate may still be available.
Click here to reserve your hotel room.
Conference Schedule:
Friday February 2nd
5:00 - 6:00 pm
Registration, Vendor exhibits, and Networking
(Vendors may begin setting up at 4:30 pm)
6:00-9:00 pm
"Disability, Civil Rights, & Other Laws for Interpreters"
Workshop presented by Shonna Magee, 0.3 PS CEUs
"Extra Credit" 0.1 PS CEU Available for Participants (read more below!)*
Please note that this workshop is open to all. It is a pre-requisite for those who wish to attend the Green track on Saturday.
Workshop Description:
Pop Quiz! Name three disability/civil rights laws that support Deaf consumers and two federal laws that affect the interpreting profession. Go ahead, I'll wait...
If you can't list those laws off the top of your head right now, you will be able to after this workshop! The NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct (CPC) says interpreters are to know applicable laws and that the law trumps the CPC when there is a conflict between the two. Think about it - how can interpreters follow these CPC requirements without first understanding the laws that pertain to the profession and to consumers?
During this workshop, Shonna will hit the highlights of several laws that apply to the daily work of interpreters, such as the ADA and IDEA. You will then discuss different situations that can (and do) come up in the field, and practice applying these laws to those situations.
Whether you are a working interpreter or working towards being an interpreter, you will come out of this workshop feeling more confident about your knowledge of disability and civil rights laws, and other laws that have a direct impact on interpreters. More importantly, you will feel more confident about your ability to apply your knowledge in the field.
Extra Credit! If you write out by hand the CPC (verbatim) and summarize each tenant briefly in your own words by the time of the workshop, you can earn an extra 0.1 CEUs! After you register for this workshop, you will receive more information on this.